CrossFit – Wed, Dec 20

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

4 Rounds

:30 on :30 off

Row for Calories

Increase intensity each effort

Get Fit Min 20-40 (Time)

For Time*

150/120 Calorie Row (or Ski/Bike Erg)

*Every 2:00 until completion (inc. 0:00)

5 Strict HSPU (or 8 Push Ups)

10 Box Jumps 24/20″

20 Min Cap

-The sHSPU sets should be done in 2 sets or less each round, choose a rep scheme that allows for that later even as you get tired. The Box Jumps should be cycled quickly, completing both movements in well under :60, providing :60 or more to Row each window. You must average 15/12 per round Calories to finish under the cap.


Every 2:00 for 16:00

8 Push Ups

10 Box Jumps 20″

Max Calorie Row in remaining time

Get Strong Min 48-56 (8 Rounds for weight)

Push Press


3 Reps

-Start very light and build to a reasonable 3RM for the day. The focus should be on the strong and consistent dip/drive. The legs move the weight and the arms guide it.

Competitor Extra (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


500m Bike Erg

25′ Front Rack Lunge Steps 115/75

15 Shoulder to OH 115/75

25′ Front Rack Lunge Steps

-The Bike is there to reset both your shoulders and

legs each round, pace it to keep your heart rate low

or get it back in control. The challenge will be if you

can complete a few rounds of the 25′ Lunge UB,

straight into the 15 Sh to OH, back into the Lunge

back to the Bike… It’s a tall ask to do more than

once 🙂