CrossFit – Thu, Dec 21

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

100m Run

20 Walking Lunge Steps

50 Single Unders

Get Fit Min 17-42 (Time)

4 Rounds

400m Medball Run 20/14

60 Double Unders

30 Medball Box Step Ups 24/20″

30 Medball Sit Ups

25 Min Cap

-This is a “simple” aerobic piece. However, you can

still focus on the details. What are your goals in this

piece? What do you want your 400m Run pace to

look like? How do you plan to hold the Medball and

what kind of stepping pace are you trying to

maintain? Are you doing 15 with one leg then the

other, or alternating lead leg? Can you go UB on

the DU or will you try to complete multiple small

sets? What’s your back up plan if they disappear on



4 Rounds

400m Medball Run

50 Single Unders

20 Medball Box Step Ups 20″

20 Medball Sit Ups

25 Min Cap

Quality Time Min 45-55 (No Measure)

4 Rounds

1:00 on 2:00 off

Max Rep Strict Pull Ups

-Any Pull Up variation will do as long as it’s

somewhat challenging. We want some strict pulling

whether that’s regular pull ups, band assist, or even

a horizontal ring row. You can complete multiple

sets within the minute window.

Competitor Extra (No Measure)

Overhead Barbell Lunges

Every :90 for 12:00

8 Reps

Build across sets

-This is 8 sets of 8 reps (about 25′). You can C&J or

Snatch the weight overhead. Try to increase the

weight at least a few times across the sets.