CrossFit – Thu, Sep 7

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3:00 on Machine of Choice

4 Rounds

5 PVC Passthroughs

:10 HS Hold

:10 Dead Hang

Quality Time Min 16-24 (No Measure)

HS Walk Efficiency

-A simple progression could include: HS Hold, HS Shoulder Taps, HS Walk a few feet from the wall, HS Walk w/ spotter, HS Walk attempts, HS Walk + Pirouette.

Get Fit Min 30-52 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Climb the Ladder

100m Row (Ski or Run also acceptable)

10′ HS Walk or 1 Wall Walk (per 10′)

200m/20′, 300m/30′, etc..

-This is designed to be a longer aerobic based piece. However, there is nothing wrong with mixing in HS Walk attempts if you’re just learning the movement during a workout like this. Just set a limit to how many attempts you take before you move on. For example on the round of 30′ you might limit yourself to 4 attempts or :60 of effort before heading back to the row. Just don’t get stuck.

WELLNESS WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Climb the Ladder

100m Row or Run

1 Wall Walk

200m/2, 300m/3, etc..

Competitor Extra (Weight)

Deadlift 5×10

-You can stand up fast but use :03 tempo to the ground on EVERY rep. Focus on perfect reps instead of weight.