CrossFit – Fri, Sep 8

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

25′ Bear Crawl

10 Hand Release Push Ups

100m Run

Get Fit Min 20-36 (Time)

For Time

600m Run

30 DB Box Step Ups 50/35 24/20″

40 Push Ups

400m Run

20 DB Box Step Ups 50/35 24/20″

30 Push Ups

200m Run

10 DB Box Step Ups 50/35 24/20″

20 Push Ups

16 Min Cap

-Feel good about pushing both the Run and Box Step Up pace knowing the vast majority of you will have to break up the Push Ups significantly. This will force you to bring your heart rate down and hopefully be able to Run hard again the following round.


3 Rounds

400m Run

20 DB Box Step Ups 35/20 20″

20 Push Ups

Get Strong Min 45-55 (5 Rounds for weight)

Every 2:00 for 10:00

Front Squat


Wall Facing HSPU

1 Set

-Complete both movements each time window. Build the weight across the FS sets. You get one shot at a set of WF HSPU to immediately follow the FS set. If you’re good at them, come down a couple reps shy of failure. If you’re new to them you can use an ab mat for a lesser ROM. Otherwise, seated DB strict press is a good substitute.

Competitor Extra (10 Rounds for weight)


Min 1&2: 1 Set Thrusters 95/65

Min 3&4: 1 Set Thrusters 135/95

Min 5&6: 1 Set Thrusters 155/105

Min 7&8: 1 Set Thrusters 185/125

Min 9&10: 1 Set Thrusters 205/145

-These are not necessarily max rep sets, especially on the lighter weights. Try to grab a decent chunk of reps by the :30-:40 mark, giving you a small rest

and chance to change weights every other minute. Score is total reps, but that doesn’t really matter…