CrossFit – Thu, Sep 28

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

Dynamic WU:

25′ Knee Pulls

25′ Quad Pulls

25′ Lunge Steps

25′ Lateral Squats

25′ High Knees (x2)

25′ Butt Kicks (x2)

25′ Duck Walk

25′ Inch Worms

25′ Spiderman Stretch

Get Fit Min 18-42 (Time)

6 Rounds For Time:

200m Run

4 Wall Walks

200/175m Row

16 DB Box Step Ups 24/20″ 50/35

*24 Min Cap

-Try to stay around 1:00 on both monostructural movements. Try to cycle the Wall Walks FAST! DB Step up done with 2 DBs. Scale wall walks accordingly to keep moving.

WELLNESS WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


200m Run

4 Wall Walks (can use partial ROM)

200/175m Row

16 DB Box Step Ups 20″ 35/20

Quality Time Min 46-56 (No Measure)

Seated Alternating Double DB Strict Press In 10:00 Complete 5×12

-Start with both DBs pressed OH, then alternate lowering and pressing one DB at a time. One will always be locked out overhead. 6/side per set. DBs can fluctuate in weight as needed. IF DBs are not available complete 5×10 Barbell Z-Press

Competitor Extra (No Measure)

DB/KB Turkish Get Up

5×4/per arm

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

5×10/per leg

-Superset the two movements You can weight the

splits squat with a goblet hold or a back rack with a
