CrossFit – Fri, Sep 29

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

200m Run then

3 Rounds of “Cindy”

* Nice and easy on the Cindy movements, goal is to get your joints and body warmed up.

Get Strong Min 20-35 (AMRAP – Reps)

Front Squat

3 Rounds (:30 on 1:00 off)

Max Reps @ 95/65, 135/95, 185/125


In 10:00 Establish a Heavy Single

Front Squat Heavy Single (Weight)

Input weight here

Get Fit Min 45-55 (Time)

For Time

5 Front Squats (@ 70% of the Single)

5 Muscle Ups

10 Front Squats

10 Muscle Ups

15 Front Squats

15 Muscle Ups

*10 Min Cap

Goal 7:30

-Barbell comes from the floor. Muscle Ups should be on Rings, but bar will work as a good substitute as well! This should be “fast” so if the rep scheme needs to be modified – that’s fine!

-Scale Muscle up to Burpee Chest to Bar Pullups or Burpee Pullups

WELLNESS WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


12 Goblet Squats 35/26

8 Kipping Pull Ups

Competitor Extra (No Measure)

EMOM Until Failure

Min 1 – 4 Calorie Bike Erg

Min 2 – 4 Wall Balls 30/20

Min 3 – 4 GHD Sit Ups

6/6/6, 8/8/8, 10/10/10, etc..

-We are starting at 4s then increasing by 2 each round. It’s easy for a while, then gets really hard really fast. If anyone makes it beyond the 24 minute mark that would be very impressive. At minimum you should be making it through the 10s, modify as needed to make that happen.