CrossFit – Thu, Nov 30

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

2 Rounds

1:00 Bike (Row/Ski)

2 Wall Walks w/ :05-:10 Nose and Toes hold at top

Quality Time Min 16-26 (No Measure)

HS Walk Efficiency

-HS Walk progression options: HS Hold, into HS

shoulder taps, into HS steps towards wall, into

increasing distance from wall, into practice on the floor.

At any point athletes can be assigned Wall Walks to get

a similar stimulus, we typically use 1 Wall Walk per 10′

HS Walk.

Get Fit Min 31-56 (5 Rounds for time)

Every 5:00 for 25:00

10 Push Press*

30/22 Calorie Bike (Row or Ski)

50′ HS Walk

*choose your own weight on the bar, should be able to

stay UB for 10 reps

-Even those with HS Walk skills might find the 5:00

window a bit challenging. Calories can be scaled back

as needed to give more time for skills. All athletes

should have at least a minute or so to work through

their HS Walks. Many will need to scale to 25′ per

round. Maybe will work for :30-:60 second then move

on. Those who cannot HS Walk can Wall Walk or Inch

Worm for modifications.

WELLNESS WOD (5 Rounds for time)

Every 5:00 for 25:00

10 Barbell Strict Press

20/16 Calorie Bike (Row or Ski)

30 Tall Plank Shoulder Taps

Competitor Extra (No Measure)

DBL KB Front Rack Lunge

100′ x 3

At least 50′ increments UB

You pick KB weight

Rest 3:00

-Use a true KB Front Rack, elbows out and forearms

horizontal. No stacking the KBs on the shoulders. This

is more about midline stability and endurance than leg
