CrossFit – Wed, Nov 29

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

400m Run


2 Rounds

50 Single Unders

5 Kipping Pull Ups

Get Fit Min 20-41 (3 Rounds for time)

Every 7:00 for 21:00

800m Run

40 Crossover Single Unders

8 Muscle Ups (Ring or Bar)

-There’s a little something to challenge everyone in this

piece. “Longer” Runs, Crossovers, and Muscle Ups.

Your goal is to finish the full amount of volume in the

7:00 window each round, some will do it a lot faster

than others and earn extra rest. Others will pace it out

more strategically. Your runs should be around 4:00,

leaving you the other 3:00 to work through the higher

skill movements. Muscle Ups can be a jumping/banded

variation or even just some strict pull ups if needed.

WELLNESS WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


400m Run

80 Single Unders

8 Strict Pull Ups (any variation)

Get Strong Min 48-56 (4 Rounds for weight)

Back Rack Reverse Lunge Steps

Every 2:00 for 8:00

10 Reps – alternate legs

-Brace with the barbell similarly to a Back Squat, then

step back in control. There should be no bouncing your

knee off the ground, so pick a weight that presents a

decent challenge but helps keep movement quality the

priority. Consider doing a light set, 2 moderate sets,

and 1 “heavy” set.

Competitor Extra (AMRAP – Reps)


Max Sandbag Box Step Overs 100/70 24/20″

-You can hold the Sandbag any way you choose to get

over the box. You can step forward facing or laterally as

well. Pro tip, when you need a break put the bag on the

box and not the floor…