CrossFit – Fri, Dec 1

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Metcon (No Measure)

Warm Up Min 0-12

3 Rounds

100m Run

12 S-Leg DB/KB DL (6/side)

8 Burpee

Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

Get Fit 20-40

5 Rounds 2:30 on 1:30 off

400m Run/500m Row

Max Deadlifts 225/155

-You realistically should be picking the barbell up for 1 set after each run, maybe 2 small sets in later rounds. Don’t try to cram extra reps into that little window, just earn time by running at a solid pace. If your 400m is much slower than 2:00 on average, consider knocking the distance back by 50-100m as needed.

WELLNESS WOD (5 Rounds for reps)

5 Rounds 2:30 on 1:30 off

400m Run

Max KB Swings 35/26

Get Strong Min 45-55 (Weight)


In 10:00 Establish a Heavy Triple

-Since you’ve had plenty of volume already through the previous piece, only take 3-5 sets of three in this 10 min window. Just make each set a working set as you build to that final triple.

Competitor Extra (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


15/12 Calorie Echo/AAB

25 Pull Ups

15/12 Calorie Echo/AAB

25 KB Swings 53/35

-I’ll tip my cap to anyone who can complete 5 rounds of this, 4 and change is a more reasonable goal. If the Pull Up and/or Swing volume is too much, knock it back to the point where you can complete AT LEAST 3 1/2 rounds or so.