CrossFit – Mon, Jan 1

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

The CrossFit Total (Total Weight)

Back Squat (1 Rep Max)
Shoulder Press (1 Rep Max)
Deadlift (1 Rep Max)
-To kick off the New Year, we are doing a TRUE heavy day which you don’t regularly see programmed as a stand alone class. You’ll have about 40 minutes to find a heavy single on the Back Squat, Strict Press, and Deadlift. Even if you did a bit too much partying the night before, you should be able to hit some decent numbers and have an understanding of your baseline of strength to build off of for the year to come.

Jackie (Time)

For time:

1,000-meter row

50 thrusters

30 pull-ups

Men: 45 lb.

Women: 35 lb.

10 Min Cap

-Classic Benchmark. Legs will be more than primed for a strong Row and Thruster effort. Then just do your best to finish strong on the Pull Ups.