CrossFit – Thu, Sep 14

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

:30 Bike

:30 Handstand Hold (facing the wall)

20 Air Squats

Get Fit Min 18-42 (8 Rounds for reps)

8 Rounds

:30 on :30 off

Max Calorie Bike

Max Wall Walks

Max Thrusters 45/35

-Athletes can choose any machine (or Burpees) the want in place of the Bike if there’s a shortage. I recommend having athlete choose their weakness as there is no “required work amount”, so they will get some time on a machine without added pressure.


8 Rounds

:30 on :30 off

Max Calories on any Machine

Max Tall Plank Hold

Max Air Squats

Quality Time Min 46-56 (No Measure)

1 Attempt Max Ring Support Hold

1 Attempt Max L-Sit Hold (any variation)

1 Attempt Max Hold w/ Chin above bar

-If you use partners on the Ring Support, one partner can help hold/stabilize rings for those not quite ready to do a longer hold on their own. L-Sit Can be a knee tuck or S-leg variation (can hold on rings, pull up bar, or p-lets). Flexed arm hang can be with a very light band assist for those that need it.

Competitor Extra (No Measure)

5 Rounds

250m Ski

50 “Heavy Rope” Double Unders

2:00 Rest

-These should be sprint like efforts. If you can hold a good pace throughout drop to 200m/40 or even 150m/30 for each round