CrossFit – Wed, Dec 27

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

10 Lateral Squats

10 Barbell Strict Press

20 Lateral Bar Hops

Get Fit Min 20-35 (Time)

For Time

4 Rope Climbs*

12 Shoulder to OH 135/95

60 Double Unders

3/9/60, 2/6/60, 1/3/60

*or 2x S-Arm Ring Rows per arm

15 Min Cap

-Rope Climbs can be tricky for bigger classes and

instead of switching right to Pull Ups, consider

trying something slightly different like the S-Arm

Ring Row. Athletes should do this with the same

positions of a normal Ring Row, but with more



For Time

16 Ring Rows

12 DB Push Press 35/20s

60 Single Unders

12/9/60, 8/6/60, 4/3/60

Get Strong Min 45-55 (4 Rounds for reps)

Strict Press

5 Rounds

:30 Max Reps 40-60% BW

:90 Rest

-You don’t need to go for :30 straight on either the

Press, just accumulate reps across the 5 rounds.

Focus on tucking the rib cage down and squeezing

your butt! Don’t get sloppy for extra reps…

Competitor Extra (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


40′ HS Walk

80′ Sandbag Carry (AHAP)

40′ HS Walk

80′ Farmers Carry (AHAP)

1:00 Rest

-Measure out a 20′ mark for down and back work

throughout. HS Walk should be quick and

aggressive in pace. Sandbag Carry speed will vary

based on how heavy of a sandbag you have

available. Should be able to complete at least 40′

increments at a time bare minimum. Same applies

on the Farmers Carry. Think of this whole piece as

a “strongman” wod with some gymnastics skills

built in