CrossFit XLT – CrossFit
Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)
2:00 Steady Bike
3 Rounds
3 Inchworms
10 KB RDLs
10 Lateral KB Hops or Side Shuffles
Get Fit Min 20-37 (AMRAP – Reps)
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
15 KB Swings 53/35
Max Calorie Bike (or machine of choice)
-1:00 Rest-
30 Box Jump Overs
30 KB Swings
Max Calorie Bike
-1:00 Rest-
45 Box Jump Overs
45 KB Swings
Max Calorie Bike
-Each round you’ll likely earn a little more time on
the Bike to accumulate Calories. Don’t push so
hard in the first two AMRAPs that you feel flat on
the last 7 minutes. Save that final burst of energy to
dig deep and finish the last Bike interval with some
serious effort, like you’re racing to the finish. Set
yourself up for that ability throughout the entire
piece. This might mean you should break up the KB
Swings strategically and find a comfortable rhythm
on the BJO.
Get Strong Min 44-56 (4 Rounds for weight)
Back Rack Reverse Lunge
4 Rounds
1:00 on 2:00 off
“Max Reps at desired weight”
-The goal is to keep the bar on your back for the full
1:00 each round. Your pace will be determined by
the weight you choose and your effort. A good place
to start is about 50% of your BW, then adjust from
there based on an endurance or strength goal.
Endurance would be higher rep at light weights,
strength would be fewer challenging reps at higher
Competitor Extra (Time)
3 Rounds
400m Run
30 GHD Sit Ups
10 Deadlift 335/225
-This is a play off of a 2016 Regionals workout. The
GHD volume is lower and so is the weight on the
Deadlift bar, although I did add a few extra reps
each round. If you cannot safely complete the
Deadlifts in 3 sets or less each round, you need to
scale the weight back. Don’t pull sloppy singles
following a ton of GHD Sit Ups, that could be a
recipe for a rough rest of the week.
17 Min Cap