CrossFit – Thu, Nov 16

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

2 Rounds

10 S-Leg DB Deadlift (5/side)

200m Run

10 V-Ups

Get Fit Min 16-46 (3 Rounds for time)

Every 10:00 for 30:00

30 Alt DB Snatch 50/35

800m Run with a Medball 20/14

30 Medball Ab Mat Sit Ups

-Snatches should be done in 1-2 sets per round. The 800m Run w/ a medball might be slower than you think. Even though the ball is light the awkward size makes it a challenge to run with. On the sit ups, the medball should touch the ground over your head then touch the floor in front of your feet.

WELLNESS WOD (3 Rounds for time)

Every 10:00 for 30:00

30 Alt DB Snatch 35/20

800m Run with a Medball (any)

30 Medball Ab Mat Sit Ups

Quality Time Min 51-55 (Checkmark)


Max S-Arm DB Press

-Choose a DB weight, take a seat and press it

overhead as many times as you can in 4:00. Switch

arms strategically to keep the DB moving for as much

of the 4:00 as possible. Total reps will vary greatly

depending on whether you choose a “heavy” weight or

something light and easy

Competitor Extra (15 Rounds for weight)

Hang Squat Clean

Every :30 for 5:00

1 Rep

Every :90 for 6:00

1 Rep

-As weight weight gets heavy gradually work your way

down the thigh with more leverage to create more

power and speed on the pull to follow.