CrossFit – Thu, Aug 17

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

Dynamic WU:

25′ Knee Pulls

25′ Quad Pulls

25′ Lunge Steps

25′ Lateral Squats

25′ High Knees (x2)

25′ Butt Kicks (x2)

25′ Duck Walk

25′ Inch Worms

25′ Spiderman Stretch

Get Fit Min 18-42 (4 Rounds for time)

Every 6:00 for 24:00

500m Row

20 Single KB Box Step Ups 24/20″ 53/35

5 Wall Walks

-The goal for each round is to finish right around 4:00-4:30, giving you plenty of time to recover and try to maintain the same output the following round. Don’t fall into the trap of sprinting the first effort and suffering the rest of the way. You can hold the KB any way you want for the step ups.

WELLNESS WOD (4 Rounds for time)

Every 6:00 for 24:00

500m Row

20 Medball Box Step Ups 20″ 20/14 14/10

3 Wall Walks

Quality Time Min 46-54 (Checkmark)

Alternating Tabata Intervals

8 Rounds of :20 on :10 off

Flutter Kicks

Push Ups

-1 Round will be :20 of Flutter Kicks, :10 Rest, :20 Push Ups, :10 Rest. Continue that for 8 total rounds.

Competitor Extra (Time)

5 Rounds

100′ Sandbag Carry or Farmers Carry

7 Push Press

1:00 Rest

-Choose a weight for the carry you can do UB but that’s still challenging. Build the Push Press weight across the rounds as you see fit.