CrossFit – Fri, Aug 18

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

Coaches Choice Then….

3 Rounds

100m Run 10 PVC/Empty Bar OHS

3 Wall Walks or 5 inch worm into a pushup

Get Fit Min 19-35 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 Lateral Bar Burpees

10 Overhead Squats 135/95

1:00 Rest

-These are intervals, try to go quick! OHS should be unbroken, but two sets is also acceptable. This workout works just as well with Front Squats if the OH position gives certain athletes too much of a challenge.

WELLNESS WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 Burpees

10 Goblet Squats (any weight)

1:00 Rest

Get Strong Min 42-56 (6 Rounds for weight)

Back Squats 14:00 to complete


-The sets of 10s should be about establishing the movement pattern and practicing good habits at light/moderate weights. The 5s can be a decent jump in weight and a chance to build. Both 3s should be a challenging weight.

Competitor Extra (Time)

10 Rounds

30 Heavy Double Unders

50′ Sandbag Carry 150/100

5 Sandbag Squats 150/100

20 Min Cap

-If you have a weighted rope or even just a beaded rope, use it in this piece. If not, go for 40 standard DU. The Sandbag weight is more of a suggestion than a rule. You should reluctantly be able to hit all 5 squat UB each round