CrossFit – Mon, Sep 25

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

100m Run

10 V-Ups

:20 HS Hold w/ Negative at the end

Get Fit Min 20-36 (Time)

3 Rounds For Time:

20 OH Reverse Plate Lunges 45/25

15 Toes to Bar

20 OH Reverse Plate Lunges 45/25

15 Handstand Push Ups

16 Min Cap

Goal: 9:00-12:00

-Grab and plate with two hands and extend your arms FULLY overhead. Elbows should be locked out with active shoulders throughout. Reverse

Lunges are in place and should be alternating. The Lunges should be UB sets, but you can break up the gymnastics as much as needed to avoid

burning out.


3 Rounds

20 Reverse Lunge Steps

15 Sit Ups

20 Reverse Lunge Steps

15 Push Ups

Get Strong Min 44-54 (5 Rounds for weight)

Back Squat

Every 2:00 for 10:00

3 Reps

-The first two sets should be moderate but “working weights”. The final 3×3 should be a heavy challenge – especially the last set.

Competitor Extra (No Measure)

3x AMRAP 3 / 1:30 Rest

5 Double DB Deadlift 50/35s

5 Double DB Thrusters 50/35s

10 Push Ups

-The small sets should allow you to maintain intensity for most of each 3:00 window. See if you can connect the 5+5 DB reps early on, then break up the Push Ups if needed.