CrossFit – Fri, Sep 1

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-10 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

100m Jog

20 Mountain Climber

10 Strict Press w/barbell

Get Powerful Min 18-33 (Weight)

Every 2:30 for 15:00

10 V-ups

1 Push Jerk+ 1 Split Jerk

Build in weight. Record highest weight lifted.

Get Fit Min 41-55 (Time)

For Time:

750m/650m Row

30 Push Press (135/93)

20 Single Arm Devil Press (50/35)

30 Push Jerks (135/95)

750/650m Row

14 Min Cap

*the legs should be relatively fresh and ready to go on thus piece, so use them efficiently on the Push Press and the Push Jerk. Save your shoulders from buring out by being agressive with your Dip/Drive on the press. The Row can be a ski or bike as well if needed. Clearly understand the difference between the first set of 30 on the PUSH PRESS and the 2nd set of 30 on the PUSH JERKS.

Wellness Wod Min 41-55 (Time)

For Time:

500m Row

25 Dbl Db Shoulder to OH

20 Burpees/up downs

25 Dbl Db Shoulder to OH

500m Row

14 Min Cap

Competitor Extra (Time)

For time:

50 ft back rack walking lunger(225/155)

1:00 rest

50 ft back rack walking lunger(225/155)

1:00 rest

50 ft front rack walking lunge (185/125)

1:00 rest

50 ft front rack walking lunge (185/125)

1:00 rest

50 ft OH walking lunge (155/105)

1:00 Rest

50 ft OH walking lunge (155/105)

16 min time cap

*bar can come from rack unless you feel confident coming from the floor each time.