CrossFit – Wed, Aug 9

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

WARM UP (No Measure)

Warm Up Min 0-12

200m Run

10 Air Squats

10 Kip Swings

10 Front Squats w/ empty bar

10 Kipping Pull Ups

10 Thrusters

10 Butterfly Pull Ups

Get Fit Min 18-26 (Time)




Thrusters 95/65

Pull Ups

8 Min Cap

-Benchmarks deserve full effort if you’re able to give it today. Full effort doesn’t mean running head first into a wall, but strategizing the best possible plan of attack and going hard. If you think you can finish RX in under the cap, try to take that on. Otherwise modify and keep track of your time and version.




DB Thrusters (any weight, ideally completed unbroken)

Pull Ups (any variation)

Get Strong Min 35-53 (8 Rounds for weight)


In 18:00

Complete 2 Back Squat “Waves”


-Each “Wave” is a set of 6, increase weight, 4 reps, increase, 2 reps, increase, 1 rep. When you’re ready to start the next wave, the second set of 6 reps should be heavier than the first set of 6, and so on. Wave 1 should be light to moderate, Wave 2 moderate to heavy. So, your complete sets are: 6, 4, 2, 1, 6, 4, 2, 1.

Competitor Extra (AMRAP – Reps)


Max Calories Echo

Max KB Swing 70/53

*Alternate movements any way for max reps -Each Cal/Rep is worth 1 rep, accumulate the largest total possible in 7 minutes switching between the two movements at any time. (Minimum of 30 on each movement – you can’t just swing or bike the whole time)