March Athlete of the Month!!


Linda Schuh, pictured with her two daughters.

What got you to start CrossFit? When did you start?
-My daughter Rachael and my brother Rusty ‘encouraged’ me repeatedly to join CF as they both do CF. I started my CF journey on Jan 4, 2016!

What do you love most about CrossFit XLT?
-I love that the WODs constantly change, that I’m learning something new every single class, and how friendly and supportive everyone is to the new members. The family atmosphere. 

What improvements have you seen since starting?
-I’m actually gaining strength and getting toned, and gaining endurance. 

Favorite movement so far: KB swings

Least Favorite movement (I don’t think you need to ask!): Burpees

Motivational quote or words of advice to someone?
Never give up!
You’re never too old to start!
Age is just a number!
Anything worth doing at all is worth doing well.