CrossFit – Wed, Sep 20

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

2:00 Slow Bike/Row

2 Rounds

10 V-Ups

4 Wall Walks

Get Fit Min 20-38 (6 Rounds for time)

Every 3:00 for 18:00

15/10 Calorie Bike

25′ HS Walk or 3 Wall Walks

12 Toes to Bar

-You CAN push the Bike a bit more than normal, given the other two movements are gymnastics based and not heavy barbell work. The harder you push, the more you’ll challenge yourself on the gymnastics – but potentially the more rest you’ll have to repeat efforts as well. Row works if no Bikes are available. If your an advanced HS Walker, feel free to practice a pirouette at the halfway point of the 25′ walk.


EMOM 18 1:00

Max Bike Calories

1:00 Max HS Hold (or Plank Hold)

1:00 Max Sit Ups or V-Ups

Get Strong Min 45-55 (Weight)


2 Deadlift

Build across sets

-This can be a ladder of sorts, increasing by10-20lbs each lift depending on where you choose to start.

Competitor Extra (Time)

For Time:


Deadlift 275/185

25 Wall Balls 20/14 10′

12 Min Cap