CrossFit – Wed, Oct 18

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

Dynamic WU:

25′ Knee Pulls

25′ Quad Pulls

25′ Lunge Steps

25′ Lateral Squats

25′ High Knees (x2)

25′ Butt Kicks (x2)

25′ Duck Walk

25′ Inch Worms

25′ Spiderman Stretch

Get Fit Min 20-35 (Time)

3 Rounds

30 DB Snatch 50/35

10 Bar Muscle Ups

75 Double Unders

15 Min Cap

-Even if you can hold on to the DB doesn’t mean you should. Small breaks might save your grip for stronger sets of Bar Muscle Ups. You can alternate snatches or stay on the same side for as long as you want. 2x Pull Ups is a good sub for the BMU, as that will keep athletes moving instead of taking long breaks between small sets.


3 Rounds

30 DB Snatch 35/20

10 Pull Ups (any variation)

75 Single Unders

Get Powerful Min 44-54 (5 Rounds for weight)

Power Snatch T&G

Every 2:00 for 10:00


-Warm up progressions on the snatch w/ bar only. How that bar moves in relation to your body through such a long range of motion take a lot of practice and patience. Athletes should try to avoid pausing at the hip or breaking any sets. Choose weights accordingly and build across sets.

Competitor Extra (AMRAP – Reps)

For Total Calories

1:00 Max Calories Echo/AAB

2:00 Rest

:50/2:00, :40/2:00, :30/2:00, :20/2:00, :10/2:00

-Each round you bike :10 less, but the rest remains the same. Push as hard as you are willing and able across each interval.