CrossFit – Tue, Oct 3

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)


15′ Inchworm + Push Up

10 Air Squats

15′ Duck Walk

10 Empty Bar Push Press

Get Fit Min 18-34 (Time)

Open WOD 14.5


Thrusters 95/65

Bar Facing Burpees

-16 Min Cap-

-This is an Open WOD retest… and it is a challenging one! We suggest sticking to a firm 16 minute cap an encourage athletes to either scale the Thruster weight or can start the entire workout at the round of 18’s!


For Time


Thrusters 45/35


Get Strong Min 45-55 (4 Rounds for weight)

Back Squat

Every 2:30 for 10:00

5 Reps

-Your legs may be tired from the workout, but, try to hit 1-2 warm up sets before moving into the four working sets of 5 reps!

Competitor Extra (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

4x AMRAP 2 / 1:00 Rest

50′ Sled Push (Moderate/March)

Max Rope Climbs

-You should be able to push the sled in :15-:30 depending on the weight/surface, but you shouldn’t get stuck much along the way. Spend the rest of each 2:00 window completing Rope Climb reps. Don’t bother wasting your energy trying to jump high, instead focus on 2-4 consistent and smooth pulls. 3+ reps should be the goal, feel free to scale the target height if absolutely needed to keep moving