CrossFit – Tue, Dec 5

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

Dynamic WU:

25′ Knee Pulls

25′ Quad Pulls

25′ Lunge Steps

25′ Lateral Squats

25′ High Knees (x2)

25′ Butt Kicks (x2)

25′ Duck Walk

25′ Inch Worms

25′ Spiderman Stretch

Get Fit Min 20-35 (Time)

3 Rounds

20 Alternating Front Rack Lunge 95/65

20 Lateral Bar Burpees

20 Overhead Squats 95/65

15 Min Cap

-During any and all rounds you should be able to pick your barbell up and complete at least half of the 20 reps to open each. That might mean you take a couple breaths before doing so, but the weight shouldn’t hold you back beyond that. Lunges can be a step forward or backwards. Scale barbell weight as needed!


3 Rounds

20 Alternating S-DB Front Rack Lunge 35/20 20 Burpees

20 Goblet Squats 35/30

Get Powerful Min 44-56 (Weight)

Every :90 for 12:00

Single Effort L-Sit Hold

3 Push Press

-You get one shot at the L-Sit each round, minimum should be :10, max :30. Then complete 3 Push Press out of a rack, slightly building in weight across each set. The L-Sits can be completed on DBs, Parallettes, Rings, or hanging from a bar as needed. S-Leg L-Sits can be a good modification for those who can support their own weight. Others can complete a Hollow Hold!

Competitor Extra (Checkmark)


3×12 Barbell Bicep Curls w/ :03 negative

3×12 DB Arnold Press

3×20 Banded Tricep Extensions (Superset movements)

-Weight is less important than hitting the tempo and range of motion. The weights you choose can fluctuate as needed across rounds