CrossFit – Tue, Aug 22

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Metcon (No Measure)

Warm Up Min 0-12

Dynamic WU:

25′ Knee Pulls

25′ Quad Pulls

25′ Lunge Steps

25′ Lateral Squats

25′ High Knees (x2)

25′ Butt Kicks (x2)

25′ Duck Walk

25′ Inch Worms

25′ Spiderman Stretch

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Get Fit Min 20-35

For Max Reps:

2:00 Box Jumps Step Down 30/24″

2:00 Alternating Pistols

2:00 Calorie Echo/AAB or Row

1:00 Box Jumps Step Down 30/24″

1:00 Alternating Pistols

1:00 Calorie Echo/AAB or Row

2:00 Box Jumps Step Down 30/24″

2:00 Alternating Pistols

2:00 Calorie Echo/AAB or Row

-Step down from the box on each Box Jump rep. If pistols are not happening, choose an alternative S-Leg movement like an assisted pistol or reverse lunge if that’s simpler. If number of machines is an issue, you can stagger start the workout


For Max Reps:

2:00 Box Jumps 20″/step ups

2:00 Air Squats

2:00 Calorie on Machine of Choice

1:00 Box Jumps/step ups

1:00 Air Squats

1:00 Calorie on Machine of Choice

2:00 Box Jumps

2:00 Air Squats

2:00 Calorie on Machine of Choice

Metcon (6 Rounds for weight)

Get Strong Min 43-55

Front Squats w/ Pause*

In 12:00 Complete


*:02 Pause in bottom of each rep

-The 5s should only be moderate in weight, focusing on positions and tension in the bottom of a well-balanced Squat. You can really start the build on that first set of 3.

Metcon (Time)

Competitor Extra

:30 on / :30 off until completion


Ring Muscle Ups

Hang Squat Cleans 205/145

20 Min Cap

-You’re going to want to pick goal sets in each of the :30 windows. Going “max effort” in that :30 window early on will have you slowing down quite a bit by around the halfway point. Try to come at this one a bit more strategically