CrossFit – Thu, Oct 26

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

:40 Bike

:20 Jumping Alternating Lunges

:30 Rest

Get Fit Min 18-43 (Time)

For Time

100 DB Lunge Steps 50/35

75/60 Calorie Bike

50 Box Jumps 24/20″

75/60 Calorie Bike

100 DB Lunge Steps

**25 Min Cap**

-The DB Lunge Steps can be done with a single DB and can be either in place or walking lunge steps. If you used a Bike yesterday, use a different machine of your choice today. Box Jumps should be a step down each rep after fully opening your hips at the top. This is a leg heavy workout that will certainly test your heart rate as well. Find a pace you can cruise at throughout.


For Time

60 Lunge Steps

50/40 Calorie Bike

40 Box Jumps 24/20″

50/40 Calorie Bike

60 Lunge Steps

Quality Time Min 50-56 (No Measure)

Every 2:00 for 6:00

1 Max Effort L-Sit Hold

-The L-Sit can be on P-Lets, Rings, Hanging from Bar, etc. If your hold is under :20, try to complete shorter holds OTM instead of a long one every 2 minutes.

Competitor Extra (10 Rounds for time)

Row or Ski 250m x 10

:60 Rest

Match efforts each round

-You can’t sprint your first few efforts know that you’re trying to keep all 10 intervals close in time. If anything, you should be playing it safe and keeping them close while completing negative splits.