CrossFit – Thu, Oct 12

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

2 Rounds

30 Plate Jumps

10 R-Arm DB Press (light)

100m Run

10 L-Arm DB Press (light)

Get Fit Min 17-42 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100m Run

10 Double Unders

10 Strict Press 95/65

200m Run

20 Double Unders

10 Strict Press

300m Run


400m Run



-The Run increases by 100m each round, to give more and more time for your shoulders to recover from the DU and Press each round. Feel free to really push that run pace for the first handful of rounds and break up the Press as needed.

WELLNESS WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100m Run

20 Single Unders

10 DB Z-Press 50/35s

200m Run

40 Single Unders

10 DB Z-Press

300m Run


400m Run



Quality Time Min 48-56 (No Measure)

Alternating Tabata intervals 8 Rounds (:20 on :10 off)

Alternating S-Leg V-Ups Renegade Rows

-The Flow looks like this: :20 of Alt S-Leg V-Ups, :10 rest/transition, :20 Alternating DB Rows from a tall plank position (go light-ish for a chunk of reps), :10 rest/transition – 8 times each movement.

Competitor Extra (No Measure)

Every 5:00 until failure

15/12 Calorie Ski (or Row) 15/12 Calorie Bike Erg (or Air Bike)

*Add 5/4 Calories every round

-This should end up being a 20-30 minute piece depending on your ability on these machines. You can also plan ahead and scale the calories to give yourself as much time on this couple as you would like.