CrossFit – Thu, Nov 23

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)


3 Rounds

10 Calorie Row

100m Run

:20 HS Hold

Get Fit Min 16-56 (Checkmark)

“Earn That Gravy”


Min 1: 20/15 Calorie Row

Min 2: 200m Run

Min 3: Max Wall Walks

Min 4: Rest

Score is total Wall Walks

-The 20/15 Calories and the 200m Run can both be

difficult to finish within the minute window, so plan on

choosing a reasonable number of Calories you want to

hit (for 10 rounds!). For the Run, if you need to stop

short to make it back in the gym before the end of the

minute, that’s fine! Shoot for 4+ Wall Walks, no matter

your scale, each round