CrossFit – Thu, Dec 14

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3:00 Bike

2 rds:

5 Wall Walks w/ :05 Nose and Toes hold at top

10 Jump Squats

Quality Time Min 14-22 (No Measure)

HS Walk Efficiency

-A simple progression could include: HS Hold, HS Shoulder Taps, HS Walk a few feet from the wall, HS Walk w/ spotter, HS Walk attempts, HS Walk + Pirouette.

Get Fit Min 30-54 (6 Rounds for time)

Every 4:00 for 24:00

20/16 Calorie Bike (or Row/Ski)

10 50′ Farmers Carry 53/35s (25′ increments) Max Single Effort Tall Plank Hold

-The machine work should not be “sprints” but a challenging pace you’ll try to sustain close to round after round. Farmers Carry can be KBs, DBs, Plate Carry, Sandbag Carry, etc.. In the remaining time after the Bike and Carry, you’ll hold a Push Up Plank. If you can go straight to the end of the 4:00 rounds, great, if not take what you can and rest the remainder!

Competitor Extra (Weight)

Power Clean + Split Jerk

Every :30 for 15:00

1 Rep

-Make a slight increase in weight every few reps, building to a moderate single. Technique and consistency is more important today.