CrossFit – Thu, Aug 10

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

WARM UP (No Measure)

Warm Up Min 0-12


100m Run

10 Air Squats

10 Walking Lunge Steps

Quality Time Min 18-25 (No Measure)

Double Under/Crossover Efficiency

-This is just some basic skill work and continuation of the warm up. A few pointers on both movements would be: DU – establish the “bounce” rather than a pike or donkey kick, tuck the elbows back next to the body, focus on spinning rope with wrist/forearm. CO – (same applies as DU), Crossing the arms sooner than you think, and getting the hands past the body on the cross.

Get Fit & Wellness Min 32-52 (Time)

FOR TIME:(20 Min Cap)


Air Squats

Hollow Rocks

Lunge Steps

Calorie Row

-This is a steady moving aerobic piece. Nothing has to be super fast or intense, just non-stop with whatever pace can be managed.

Competitor Extra (Weight)

Narrow Grip Overhead Squat


-Take the bar out of the rack and bring your hands in closer than your Snatch grip, OR from the floor wide grip clean + jerk into OHS