CrossFit – Sun, Dec 17

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

100m Run

10 Empty Bar Kang Squats

:15 Dead Hang + Knee Tucks

Get Fit Min 23-53 (Time)

In a 30:00 window

For Time

600m Run

40 Toes to Rings

20 Front Squats 135/95

400m Run

30 Toes to Rings

15 Front Squats

200m Run

20 Toes to Rings

10 Front Squats

(18 Min Cap)

Then in remaining time

Establish a 3RM Front Squat

The first part is intentionally challenging to finish within the 18 minute cap. TTR can be changed to TTB if needed. A simple modification can also be alternating S-Leg TTR or TTB. After completing the first part or reaching the 18 minute mark, the Barbell should be moved to a rack and you’ll build to a 3RM with whatever time you have left. You should hit AT LEAST 4 heavy triples on your way to the 3RM.

3 Rep Max Front Squat (Weight)


In a 30:00 window

For Time

600m Run

40 Sit Ups

20 Goblet Squats 35/26

400m Run

30 Sit Ups

15 Goblet Squats

200m Run

20 Sit Ups

10 Goblet Squats

(18 Min Cap)

Then in remaining time


10 Alternating Goblet Lunges

:30 Plank Hold

(rotate OTM)

Competitor Extra (No Measure)


Max Distance HS Walk

* Every break, complete 10 Parallette Push Ups

-Notice the “Quality Time” designation… this doesn’t need to be a competition. You are accumulating time under tension upside down and focusing on moving well. The HS Walks should be done in 25′ increments, you can break and rest any time. The Parallette Push Ups should be just wide enough to get your chest through, but keeping your elbows tight to the body making the reps more tricep focused. Expect your arms and shoulders to feel pretty spent even by the halfway point