CrossFit XLT – CrossFit
Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)
2:00 Bike or Row
3 Rounds
10 RDLs
10 Push Ups
PARTNER WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
30 Calorie Bike (or Row)
20 Deadlift 185/135
20 Strict HSPU
P1 athlete works while P2 rests, share reps any way and switch working athlete at any time.
Get Powerful Min 45-54 (6 Rounds for weight)
Every :90 for 9:00
3 Reps
Build across sets
-The DLs don’t need to build to a new 3RM or anything like that. You just need to have control of heavy weight from the ground to your hip and back to the ground again. No bouncing and no dropping from the top.