CrossFit – Mon, Sep 4



CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Lahaina CrossFit Strong Hero WOD (Time)

100 seconds of silence/blessing (100s lives lost)


8 Rounds For Time:

200mWeighted Run/each (20/14) (RX+Sandbag)(People were running for their lives carrying loved ones and bugout bags)

8 Toes to Bar (Lahaina is holding on and is strong to the core)

8 Hang Power Clean 155/105 (We will get this community cleaned up)

23 Synchro Air Squats (There have been and will be a lot of ups and downs every moment)

13 Lateral Burpees Over Partner (When life knocks you down, you get back up even stronger)

Post WOD Get Strong (Weight)

Bench Press

12:00 to Establish a Heavy Triple For the Day

*open with 2 sets of 10. On the second set add a little weight and speed total he Press get yourself ready for 3 heavy reps. Then build with triples the rest of the way. You should do 3-5 working sets of 3.
Score is heaviest lift