CrossFit – Fri, Oct 20

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

8 Lateral Bar Burpees

16 Air Squats

8 Lateral Bar Burpees

12 Empty Bar Front Squats

8 Lateral Bar Burpee

8 Front Squats w/ :02 Pause in bottom

Get Fit Min 22-40 (Time)

For Time

15 Burpee Pull Ups

15 Front Squat 135/95

3 Rope Climbs

2:00 Rest

12 Burpee Pull Ups

12 Front Squat 135/95

3 Rope Climbs

2:00 Rest

9 Burpee Pull Ups

9 Front Squat 135/95

3 Rope Climb

18 Min Cap

-Both the Burpee Pull Up and Rope Climb are about efficiency in terms of using your legs to assist the arms. You want to jump and use the upward momentum on the BPU to get your chin over the bar rather than jumping, then kipping. On the Rope Climb (if available) you want to use you’re feet, legs, and hips to stand up on the rope before moving those hand high for a regrip. If rope climbs are not logistically possible, 20 S-Arm Ring Row is another challenging variation of an upper body pull.


For Time

15 Burpees

15 Goblet Squats 53/35

15 Ring Rows

2:00 Rest

12 Burpees

12 Goblet Squats 53/35

12 Ring Rows

2:00 Rest

9 Burpees

9 Goblet Squats 53/35

9 Ring Rows

Get Strong Min 46-56 (5 Rounds for weight)

Front Squat

Every 2:00 for 10:00

3 Reps

-You should be able to start well above your weight in the workout for the first 3 reps of the EMOM. Build gradually from there.

Competitor Extra (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Climb the Ladder

5 Calorie Row

5 Knees to Elbows

5 Goblet Squats 70/53

10/10/10, 15/15/15, etc…

-Both the KTE and Goblet Squats will get challenging after the round of 15. Use the Row as a way to keep the heart rate in control and continue to make progress.