CrossFit – Fri, Jan 5

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

8 Muscle Snatch w/ empty bar

4 Lateral Bar Burpees

:20 Nose and Toes Hold

Get Fit Min 20-30 (Time)


Power Snatch 135/95

Handstand Push Ups

10 Min Cap

-Got a mix of “Diane” and “Isabel” for a challenging couplet to start the day. If you struggle with HSPU, a more conservative pace on the barbell (steady singles) should help save the shoulders and heart rate. For “higher level” athletes this should be fast and aggressive. For the rest of us, we’ll likely need to pick an area to modify and pick a movement to focus in on. That could be lighter Snatches to hit sets of HSPU, or sticking with a more difficult weight and switching to pike push ups or another HSPU modification.



R-Arm DB Snatch 35/20

L-Arm DB Snatch 35/20

Push Ups

Get Powerful Min 42-55 (9 Rounds for weight)

T&G Squat Snatch

Every 1:00 for 5:00

2 Reps

Every 2:00 for 8:00

2 Reps

-There is a lot of time between the end of the metcon and the start of this piece. There is a great opportunity to coach Snatch cycling since the athlete will be fully warmed up. Bring the bars back to empty and drill full ROM “T&G” reps, then allow them to rebuild to a starting weight for the timed portion.

Competitor Extra (Distance)

Every 4:00 for 20:00

50 Heavy Double Unders

Max Distance on Bike Erg

-The Jump Rope will spike the heart rate, there’s not a lot that can be done to change that other than focusing on being as efficient as possible. Hop right on to the bike and push the pace until about :30 remaining in that given window, then back it down to get ready to start the next window