
Tomorrow, Friday August, 8th remember to welcome everyone from our friends at Capital City CrossFit! Due to the Battle for the Hill Competition at the State Fair this weekend C3 will be closed so we are allowing our friends over there to come and enjoy a fun partner Wod with us!
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July 18th, 2014 from 5pm-7pm we will be hosting a customer appreciation happy hour at the Office Sports Bar and Grill! Anybody who comes in will receive a free complimentary appetizer! We will not have any 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30 night classes due to this event! Everyone should come out and have a good...
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Here are proofs of our new awesome Tees and Tanks! We will  have order forms for them at the box tommorw Friday 27th. They will be $20 each. If you want one make sure to get a form and fill it out!
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Important notice!! Due to the Nutrional Presentation tomorrow at 7:00pm, we will be setting all the afternoon class back a half hour and will not have a 7 or 7:30pm class. All morning classes will remain the same. The afternoon class schedule is as  follows: 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, and 6pm
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NUTRITION FOR PERFORMANCE AND LONGEVITY THIS FRIDAY JUNE 27, 2014 7:00 PM Jen Gardner will present the basics of performance nutrition using a real foods approach. If you are confused about which foods to eat, when, and how much, this class is for you. Here are just some of the topics we will discuss: •...
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Important notice!! Because of the overfill of classes in the evening we are going to change up the class schedule in the evening. Starting tomorrow Monday 23rd, 2014 our new schedule will be as follows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday- 5:30am, 6am on ramp, 7am, 7am on ramp, 8am, 9am, 10am open gym, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6pm...
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After you have registered into our Wodhopper system go through the steps below.. if you have yet to sign up for Wodhopper do so the next time you come to the gym! 1. Go to 2. Click the RSVP for Class/Scoreboard link 3. Click the menu button on the top left of RSVP screen...
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We will be putting in an order for SFH (stronger,faster,healthier) products on Monday June 9th. If anybody wants in on the order either sign up at the gym or email/message us. Check out all the products at
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We have two new big things coming for the box! If you look to the left there are links to both of these new features! WODHOPPER Starting Monday June 2nd we will have a new program avalaible for all of our members called Wodhopper! With Wodhopper we will be able to enroll new members electronically,...
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There will be no morning classes tomorrow however we will have evening classes. Our hours are as follows; 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6 pm, 7 pm.
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