CrossFit – Tue, Dec 12

CrossFit XLT – CrossFit

Warm Up Min 0-12 (No Measure)

200m Run


3 Rounds of “Cindy”

Get Fit Min 22-38 (Time)

For Time

200m Run

20 Burpees to Target 6″

200m Run

30 KB Swings 53/35

200m Run

10 Ring Muscle Ups

200m Run

20 KB Goblet Squats 53/35

200m Run

40 Push Ups

200m Run

16 Min Cap

-This is a good ole’ fashion “Chipper”. If the class is too big or equipment is limited you can complete the movements in a different order – just make sure you space each one with a 200m Run. Coaches should have set modifications in place for each movement so there is no scrambling to figure out individualized options for each athlete across 5 different movements.


For Time

200m Run

20 Burpees

200m Run

30 KB Swings 35/26

200m Run

10 Pull Ups (any variation)

200m Run

20 KB Goblet Squats 35/26

200m Run

30 Push Ups

200m Run

Get Strong Min 46-56 (5 Rounds for weight)

Bench Press or Floor Press

Every 2:00 for 10:00

8 Reps

-You can use any variation needed to accommodate a full class. Bench or Floor Press, Barbell or DBs, just have a variation that allows for 8 UB reps each set. Barbell can build in weight more easily, DBs might need to add a tempo on the negative of the movement to add difficulty.

Competitor Extra (10 Rounds for time)

Row 150m Sprint x 10

Rest :90

-Near a sprint type effort each round. Just avoid blowing up early on by trying to maintain a “max effort”.